I would like to thank all those who donated at the Town Hall Blood Drive held Monday, September 20. We appreciate everyone who presented to give. To see how much it is valued, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIyhotwy1gk.
I would also like to thank Liz Mosier for assisting with organizing and Delmar Progress Club members Barbara Kavanagh, Connie Mulligan, Ann Jeram and Phyllis Drew who volunteered at the sign-in and canteen tables.
Please take an hour of your time and offer to donate blood. Depending on your blood type, your donation will be in another person within 4-7 days so the need is real and unending. Each time you donate one pint of blood, you are potentially saving three lives.
Visit https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive to find a drive or location convenient to you and schedule your next or first appointment.
We wouldn’t have had a successful drive without our volunteers and our generous donors. Thank you!
Susan Alexander