Classic movies are back at the library. Join us at 1 p.m. on Thursday afternoons, for some movie trivia and friendly socializing. Seating will be very limited, so come early, choose some snacks, and watch a great, older movie. Check our events calendar or call the library to find out what’s playing this week.
Teen Mystery
Teens in grades 8-12 are invited to join a live action role playing game, at 1p.m., Sunday, Oct. 17. You will assume the role of one of eight eerie characters, invited by rock superstar Killian Killagan to a barbeque at his creepy castle. Upon arrival, you discover that someone (maybe you?) is turning helpless citizens into bats. Imagine the library as a spooky castle on a bluff as you and your friends enjoy hours of suspense and intrigue – but mainly humor – as you solve the crime, while enjoying a bbq lunch. Please register.
Craft & Chat
There are still openings available for the afternoon and evening Craft & Chat programs at the library, on Monday, October 18. The afternoon program begins at 1:30 p.m., and the evening program starts at 6:00 p.m. All craft items are supplied, and librarian Tracey joins in the fun, answering questions and helping as needed. Beginners are welcome, as crafts are meant to be fun, not complicated.
Herbs, Holism and more
Plants, like people, are complex. The most effective herbalists understand the how and why behind the herb’s therapeutic properties. Holistic herbalism is about getting to know the essential healing pattern within each plant. Join us at 6:30pm, Wednesday, October 27 to learn about one medicinal plant – from its herbal actions, energetics planetary correspondences, and more. Go beyond basic herbalism and gather a truly holistic understanding of the plants you rely on for medicine. Please register.
— Lynn Kohl