GPL has further expanded our return shed hours for your convenience. Borrowed items may now be returned to the quarantine sheds in our main parking lot 24/7, except for holidays. Please note: the library will be closed Mon. Jan. 18 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so no returns will be accepted that day.
Pick up your requested materials in our Normanskill Room:
- Monday-Wednesday-Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Tuesday-Thursday: 1:00 – 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Sunday: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
See our website for checkout details. Patron pick-up is available through the Normanskill Room outer door (to the right of the Little Free Library). Please call Circulation at 518.285.0671 after you park to let us know you’re here.
Winter Reading Challenge
Let’s all join together to reclaim our title as one of the top-reading libraries in the U.S.! Books, eBooks, magazines, newspapers, children’s literature, manga, etc. – it all counts! Everyone is encouraged to sign up for Simon & Schuster’s Winter Reading Challenge at: as an individual or family and log all of your January reading. For even easier logging, download the Beanstack Tracker App. Thank you for participating – happy reading!
Apple Tech and Resume’ Help
Our volunteer computer coach, Robin, can provide customized assistance on using an Apple Watch, iPhone, MacBook, iPad or Apple TV, or help you navigate the Learning Express tool on our website to craft your resume’. Schedule your 1:1 virtual appointment Tuesday evenings starting at 6:30 p.m., and Thursday mornings starting at 10:00 a.m. on the Events tab of our website, indicating the topic of interest in the Notes field. An email address and the ability to meet online is required in order to participate.
Curbside Kits
Preschoolers can benefit from our fun and educational Grab & Go Storytime Kits, intended for ages 2-5. No registration needed; simply pick up one kit per child every other Monday. Jan. 25: Superheroes; Feb. 8:Winter; Feb. 22: Drive & Ride.
Adults: craft a beautiful three-dimensional origami star suncatcher using kite paper. Please register on our website; all materials will be provided. Kits will be available for curbside pickup beginning Wed. Jan. 20 at 10:00 a.m.
Valentine’s Day Card Project
Spread the love! Our Holiday Card Project with Community Caregivers was well-received, so we’re partnering with them again to extend more kindness to our neighbors. We’re collecting your valentines through Fri. Feb. 5th.
Create and decorate a valentine card no larger than 5 x 7, or re-purpose an old card. Make as many as you like! Community Caregivers will provide envelopes, and address and mail the cards to clients. Feel free to write an uplifting message inside if desired, and sign the card if you wish. Drop off your card in the Valentine Card Project Box at our interior pick-up table in the Normanskill Room during curbside hours.
Mediterranean Cooking
Learn nutritious and delicious Mediterranean cooking techniques on Thurs. Jan. 21 at 6:00 p.m. with Karen Roberts Mort from Cornell Cooperative Extension. This virtual lesson will include a live cooking demonstration. Registered participants will receive recipes, ingredient list and equipment needed prior to class so they can follow along. Registrants will receive a Zoom invitation via email two days before the program.
Cartooning Workshop for Kids
GPL welcomes award-winning cartoonist and illustrator Rick Stromski as our guide for this fun hands-on session on Sat. Jan. 23 at 2:30 p.m., geared for grades 3-7. We’ll practice drawing expressions, genders, and age differences, plus different kinds of animals. Participants will need plenty of paper and their favorite drawing instrument(s) handy as they follow along. Parents can try their hand as well! Please register on the Events tab of our website; we’ll email the Zoom link in advance of the program.
Broadway Trivia Night
Our popular virtual Trivia Night returns on Tues. Jan. 26 at 7:00 p.m., this time devoted all things Broadway. Teens and adults: test your knowledge of musicals and their iconic songs, plus behind-the-scenes factoids. Team captains 16+ years old will communicate with the hosts. All participants needing the virtual meeting login information should register in advance.