American aviator and explorer Amelia Earhart once said, “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees.”
This could not be more relevant than today as we slog through an ongoing pandemic and political unrest seeking out those moments of connection with our fellow human beings that spark joy. Kindness matters. And you matter to us. That’s why we’re spending the next few weeks sharing acts of kindness that we hope will generate happiness within our community that radiates outward to touch as many people as possible.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be inviting you to share acts of kindness you’ve experienced or been a part of by tagging the library on social media using #BPLKindness.
Be on the lookout for special Boredom Busters tucked into our Books to People delivery bags, such as large-print words searches, painting activities and more. Books to People is available to homebound residents of the Bethlehem Central School District and can be especially helpful to those who need to take extra precautions to avoid exposure to the Coronavirus. With Books to People, selected materials are delivered (no contact!) every other week via the library van. Visit for more information.
You might also find some special surprises in your Book or Media Bundle request, along with personal notes from library staff. Go to to request your Book or Media Bundle.
We’re showing teens that we care about them by offering Just for Me: Book Boxes filled with curated treats and books to keep. These are available to BCSD teens in grades 6-12; one per household. Visit to sign up.
Coming soon: Children will be able to register for a kindness kit, which will include a free book to keep and one to give to a friend, along with other crafts and fun activities.
Our Kindness Matters campaign is generously co-sponsored by the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library. During this time, we encourage you to connect with others by paying kindness forward. Sharing kindness with others is just as rewarding as receiving it. Let’s start 2021 off with kindness!
Escaping winter
What happens when a winter wonderland turns out to be not so wonderful? You look for a way out! On Monday, Jan. 18, at 7 p.m., we’ll hosting a virtual escape room for adults where participants will race against time to escape a winter wonderland by decoding the locks so they won’t be caught out in the cold. Visit to sign up.
Hours and updates
The library currently remains closed to in-person browsing, but curbside pickup is available during the following expanded hours:
Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday, 1-5 p.m.
At this time, the library has also opted to temporarily postpone reinstituting fines for overdue items. For updates, visit our website at