The library currently remains closed to in-person browsing, but curbside pickup is available with expanded hours. For the latest updates regarding library hours and services, visit our website at
At this time, the library has opted to temporarily postpone reinstituting fines for overdue items. For more information about due dates and fines, go to
Digital magazines
The new year brings some new titles to our digital magazine collection on Flipster. We’ve added Better Nutrition (great for aiding all those New Year’s resolutions), Cottages & Bungalows, Family Handyman and Golf Magazine.
Four magazine titles that originally appeared in Flipster can now be found on OverDrive. They are: Bon Appetite, Pioneer Woman Magazine, Prevention and Rolling Stone.
Digital magazines are a great way to enjoy your favorite glossies without a costly subscription or the paper waste. Magazines can be accessed online using your library card and viewed on computer and mobile devices or saved for offline viewing through an app compatible with most devices. Go to to browse our collection of digital magazines in OverDrive or Flipster.
Illuminating hope
We’re lighting the way into 2021 with a feeling of hope as we set up our Luminaries for Hope display on the plaza walkway Mondays and Wednesdays, from dusk until 7 p.m., through Jan. 13. Stop by during the designated hours and take a socially distanced stroll among the lights and messages of hope from your Bethlehem neighbors that represent all the ways we are a community, even when we can’t gather as one.
Write a snowy story
Embrace all that winter brings – especially the snow – in our Snowy Stories Contest, which is open through Jan. 29. Kids and teens in grades K-12 are invited to write and submit an original short story by e-mailing it to us at [email protected]. Stories incorporating visual elements may be e-mailed as PDFs. Winners will be posted online in February. Visit for more information.
— Kristen Roberts