Spotlight Editor,
Whereas I see signs around town that suggests we are one, you the Town Board pass a divisive resolution that accuses our people of systemic racism. You cite a number of people of color as martyrs who died at the hands of police.
How many of you wish you had a son like George Floyd?
I didn’t think so.
How many of you wish your daughter would hook up with a man like Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend?
Guess not.
We don’t see black victims. We see a rapist, addict, thief and drug dealer who violently resisted arrest. Sure black lives matter. But so do blue lives and any other life. A black man shot a black 5-year-old in the head, execution style. Which black life mattered?
The BLM movement is no longer what it was intended to be. It has become synonymous to burning, looting, assaulting and murder and infiltrated with terrorists.
You would be hard pressed to see justice, police bias or racial inequality in the Town of Bethlehem. If one is legal and moral they have been welcomed here. The police do a fine job in this town, let’s not imply otherwise. There is always room for improvement and your study group could be beneficial if pursued without bias.
Rensselaer retracted a similar resolution. You would do well to retract yours.
John LaForte