The library would like to congratulate Polly Hartman for her selection as the Upper Hudson Library System Volunteer of the Year.
Polly, a beloved children’s librarian at BPL for many years, retired in 2006 but has remained an unwavering and enthusiastic supporter of the library through her work with the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library.
The first to volunteer for library or Friends-sponsored community events, Polly is currently serving as vice president of the Friends. She was the originator of the library’s yearly fundraising trip to the Glimmerglass Opera, and has coordinated the winter bus trips to New York City. These programs have been major fundraising events for the library for many years.
“As the Friends plan events throughout the year, Polly is without exception the first person to volunteer to attend, and help in any way needed,” said Friends of the Library President Jeremy Johannesen. “Her boundless optimism and ever-present smile merely add to value as a volunteer.”
Library Director Geoffrey Kirkpatrick commended Polly’s work on behalf of the library.
“Her efforts to bolster the strength of the Friends continues as she attracts more community-minded people to serve on the board,” he said.
Library hours expanding
The days may be getting shorter, but as we settle into autumn, our in-person browsing hours are expanding. The library is now open from 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, and 1-5 p.m. Saturday.
Masks are required, and we are limiting the number of people inside the library at once so there might be a short wait before entering at busier times. Because others might be waiting, we are asking everyone to limit their time inside to simply selecting and checking out materials.
In addition to expanded in-person browsing:
Curbside pickup is currently available from 1-7 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 1-6 p.m. Friday.
Books to People offers a delivery service for the homebound.
Cardholders can download eBooks and audiobooks, and stream video online anytime.
For the latest building and service updates, visit
Trick or Treat Storywalk
Children and their families are invited to take a hike on the nature loop at Elm Avenue Park and enjoy a self-led Halloween story Thursday, Oct. 29 at 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. In conjunction with the Bethlehem Public Library, Parks and Recreation staff will be dressed up along the loop to hand out “treats.” Halloween bags will be provided. You must pre-register with the Park Office, space is limited. Click here to sign up:
Show off you perfect pumpkin
We are still accepting entries in our virtual pumpkin-carving contest. Spooky or silly? You decide! Simply email a full-color photo of your pumpkin to [email protected]. Include your full name, email, phone number and category. Entries will be accepted through Oct. 29.
— Kristen Roberts