To Superintendent Monroe and the Members of the BCSD Board of Education:
We know and appreciate that you have been inundated with pleas from the community urging you to reconsider your decision not to allow Bethlehem students to participate in certain “moderate risk” sports this fall. Right now, as we write this email, hundreds and hundreds of Bethlehem students, boys and girls from kindergarten through 12th grade, in every one of your schools, are already playing moderate risk sports, and more, in organized rec and travel leagues. Right now, hundreds and hundreds of your students are playing boys rec soccer, girls rec soccer, boys travel soccer, girls travel soccer, boys little league baseball, and girls softball. Most of the boys on the varsity soccer team are already signed up to play in Afrim’s fall travel league.
So, hundreds and hundreds of Bethlehem students are (or will shortly be) practicing with their teams, scrimmaging against their teams and others, and playing against teams from around the region. And then, the following morning, they will all show up at your school doors.
In light of this reality, how can your decision be described as anything but arbitrary and capricious?
We respectfully urge you to change your decision and to direct the superintendent to immediately develop a plan that will allow our players to safely return to the field by September 21st, the date the State has authorized practices to resume. The Bethlehem soccer and field hockey communities stand ready to help you quickly develop a plan that conforms to all State and local health and safety guidelines, the same guidelines that every other Suburban Council team is following. If you will not change your decision before this Wednesday’s board meeting, we respectfully seek approval to speak at the meeting.
Thank you,
Jonathan and Diane Burman
Editor’s note: This letter has been condensed from a longer document sent to Bethlehem Board of Education members by the author.