We are so excited to announce that the library has opened its doors for in-person browsing on weekdays. Hours will initially be limited to 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. so that we can stagger this service with curbside pickup in the afternoon. A greeter will be at the door to welcome you back and answer any questions about our new safety procedures.
Here’s how we’re working to bring back this library experience while protecting the health of our Bethlehem friends and neighbors:
We’re wearing masks that cover our noses and chins, and we will be requiring our visitors to wear them when inside the library or during the Pop-Up Library on the Plaza. *Please avoid bandanas, neck gaiters and face shields without a mask. If you are not feeling well or running a fever, please visit us when you are feeling better.
We have installed touch-free faucets in our public restrooms and have located hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the library. We are asking that everyone sanitize their hands before browsing.
We are limiting the number of people inside the library at any given time. That means staggering staff shifts and allowing only 10 patrons in at one time. It might also mean there could be a short wait before entering.
Because others might be waiting, we are asking our patrons to limit their time inside to simply selecting and checking out materials. Inside seating, children’s toys and public computers are not available at this time. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a caregiver.
If you pick up something while browsing but decide not to check it out, you’ll be able to drop it off at a designated cart so staffers can wipe it down before returning it to the shelves.
Checkouts will be handled at the Information Desk and reference help will be available at a separate station near the entrance from the lobby. Both have been equipped with clear barriers to promote social distancing.
Programs, board meetings and other events will continue to be virtual at this time. To find out what’s coming up, check out our online calendar.
Returned materials are quarantined for 96 hours. You can drop them off in the designated sheds in the library parking lot. Because of the quarantine, items may not show up as returned on your account right away. Don’t worry, we will be waiving late fees through the end of October.
Please know that even as we bring back new ways of accessing the library during the pandemic, we are keeping other services like curbside pickup and Book Bundles that allow you to decide how much contact you are comfortable with. Visit our website at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org or call 518-439-9314 for more information about these services.
Labor Day reminder
Bethlehem Public Library will be closed for the Labor Day holiday Saturday-Monday, Sept. 5-7. Access the library catalog and other library services online anytime at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org.