Once upon a time …. or so the story begins. Jump in your enchanted carriage and join us for a magical nursery rhyme and fairy tale adventure from 10 a.m. to noon, on Saturday, Aug. 1.
Familiar characters acting out scenes from nursery rhymes and fairy tales will be on display throughout the high school parking lot for families to drive through and enjoy. Social distancing protocol will be instituted.
Will Little Bo Peep find her sheep? Will Cinderella’s dreams come true? Will Humpty Dumpty ever be put back together again? Will Chicken Little be able to go out again without fear of the sky falling?
For children of all ages and families. No registration required. Rain date is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 8th.
Check out Summer Adventure @ the voorpl http://voorplny10.readsquared.com/
Virtual PreSchool Storytime
Enjoy a theme-based, multi-age virtual storytime with an emphasis on early literacy. Mrs. Brown and Miss Lisa will video record a short storytime with an accompanying art activity. The video link will be posted on the library’s website, all of the library’s social media platforms, and on the library’s YouTube channel. Families of preschoolers can pick up a TAKE & MAKE BAG at the the library each week. The bag will include the storytime thematic art activity of the week and other fun items to do at home. Each week›s bags will be at the library from Tuesday-Saturday of that week.
Maker Monday Club for Adults
Join the Maker Monday Club, with a new project every Monday. You can register online, or call the library at 518-765-2791. Once registered, you can stop by the library to pick up your free project kit. Take your kit home to enjoy some creativity time.
— Lynn Kohler