Dear Editor,
On December 23, Delmar Reformed Church suffered frozen pipes, bursting at the worst time, in the worst part of our building!
Water flooded into our electrical room, which also includes the crucial parts of our organ.
As it poured out, we felt helpless on the day before we welcome our largest number of worshippers for the whole year. The power to our sanctuary and organ was in jeopardy.
Delmar firefighters responded quickly to the call, made sure everyone in the church was safely evacuated, and were able to shut down the electric and water, stopping further damage.
We were overwhelmed by the quick response and care of so many of our firefighters and town building officials that morning, as well as professionals from J.D. Warren Plumbing and CMK Electric.
Due to their fast action and assistance, we were able to dry out the flooded areas. Though there is still work to be done, our worshippers the next day and night probably had no idea it even happened!
We are so grateful to all who came to our aid that day. Some say we were lucky; of course we also like to think we may have had someone watching out for us.
Yet, we can all agree, we would have suffered far greater damage and disruption to our Christmas Eve services without the care and quick response of our firefighters, public works, and town buildings employees. We are very thankful for them and all they do for our town.
Pastor Chris Vande Bunte
Delmar Reformed Church