Genealogical Society
Nov. 23 at 1 p.m.
We will acknowledge veterans in attendance and then turn our focus to WWI.
While the war ended in 1918, most of our service members returned home in 1919 so this is the 100th anniversary of welcoming them home. Ellen D’Aniello will give a brief presentation on the role of the Red Cross and the YMCA during the war effort.
She will also present on her maternal grandfather who was a POW in WWI. The program will then be opened up for member share on their WWI service members.
Ne’imah Jewish Concert
Sunday, Nov. 24 at 2 p.m.
Ne’imah members include singers of any religion or synagogue affiliation from throughout the area. The Chorus’ mission is to acquaint, educate and enrich the Jewish and non-Jewish community of the Capital District of New York state with the variety and richness of the Jewish choral music repertoire.
“Neimah” is the Hebrew word for “melody” and “being pleasant.” The program will include the following: Baruch Haba by Stephen Glass; Yerushalayim Shel Zahav by Naomi Schemer; L’Dor Vador by Josh Nelson; Hashiveinu Adonai by Charles Davidson; Puncha Puncha Arranged by Tzvi Sherf; Dance the Hora Arranged by Joshua Jacobonson; Avinu Malkenu by Max Janowski; Simona MiDimona by Sheloma Weissfish, Arranged by Joshua Jacobon; Shedemati lyrics by Yitskhak Shenhar, Music by Yedidya Admon, Arranged by Joshua Jacobson; Al Gvot Sheikh Abreik lyrics by Alexander Pan, Music by Mordechai Ze’ira.
Free Movie Monday: “Yesterday”
Monday, Nov. 25 at 1 p.m. or 6 p.m. (Choose one)
Enjoy a free film on the big screen in the Stedman Room.
Jack Malik is a struggling singer-songwriter in an English seaside town whose dreams of fame are rapidly fading, despite the fierce devotion and support of his childhood best friend, Ellie. After a freak bus accident during a mysterious global blackout, Jack wakes up to discover that The Beatles have never existed. Performing songs by the greatest band in history to a world that has never heard them, Jack becomes on overnight sensation with a little help from his agent. Rated: PG-13 for suggestive content and language, Run time: 1 hr 56 min. Registration is required: online or call 518-810-0314.
Hearing Loss Association, Albany Chapter
Tuesday, Nov. 26 at 5:30 p.m.
The holidays can be stressful for all, but for those with a hearing loss the added stress of trying to hear and communicate in the noisy environments of parties, restaurants and family gatherings can take its toll. Come and learn strategies to cope and learn what you can do to make your holidays more enjoyable.
Presented by Ellen Rupert, a consultant trainer for Capital Employee Assistance Program.
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule
The library will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 27 and be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28 and Friday Nov. 29.
Joe Nash
Colonie Library