I am writing to you today in regards to the “DEC proposes to remove bald eagle from “threatened” list” story published on the Oct. 25.
I personally thought this article was a very enjoyable read. This type of news is something that you do not hear a lot about. As often in the papers, it is a lot of talk about politics and crimes. So this story was a nice break from the typical news.
I believe animal preservation is a very important cause but, it does not get a lot of recognition. What stood out to me about this article was the history of the bald eagle in New York, as I was unaware of the facts presented.
I also appreciated the breakdown of other animals that the DEC is watching. This list showcased the rather unknown species of animals that are either being upgraded or downgraded. I feel as if everyone knew that bald eagle was threatened but not a lot of people knew that these lesser-known animals are threatened as well.
This story was a unique but important read as it highlighted the status of well-known animals in New York. I hope to see more stories like this in the near future.
Chris Nichols