Holiday Schedule
The library will be closed on Veterans Day Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Gut Health and Overall Health
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 6:30 p.m.
Do you know how 70 to 80 percent of our immune system originates in your gut? Are you confused by what it means and how your gut functions? Do you want to learn in a way that’s understandable?
Come to this workshop.
You will leave knowing with confidence how your gut functions, what to do to take care of it, and to identify how you may be harming your gut and, ultimately, your overall health.
Presented by Rhonda Allen from Simply Made Health. Registration is required: online or call 518-810-0314.
Adirondack Mountain Club
Wednesday, Nov. 13, 6 p.m.
The open house and new member orientation will feature an overview of the Adirondack Mountain Club and an introduction to hiking, paddling, and conservation of New York state’s wilderness areas.
Presenter Cliff Prewencki is the chair of the Albany Chapter, Adirondack Mountain Club, is trained in Wilderness First Aid, and is a trained leader of the: Appalachian Mountain Club, the Adirondack Mountain Club, and Taconic Crest Hiking Club.
Open to all.
Medicare 101: A Primer
Thursday, Nov. 14, 10 a.m.
If you are enrolled in Medicare or soon to be enrolled, you may have many questions. Help is here: Janet Kiffney, a certified Medicare counselor with the New York State Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program, will present a “soup-to-nuts” program on Medicare.
You’ll leave with a better understanding of your options and obligations with regard to health insurance. This presentation is sponsored by the state Office for the Aging and the Albany County Department for Aging.
Reservations are required: online or call 518-810-0314.
Holocaust Survival
Thursday, Nov. 14., 5:45 p.m.
Ivan Vamos survived the Holocaust as a young boy in Hungary. Born in 1938, Vamos was only 7 years old at the war’s end. Yet in his talk, he retells an amazing story of his survival which he credits to his mother.
Program sponsored by Colonie Chabad Jewish Center.
Joe Nash
Colonie Library