Students in grades six through 12 are invited to celebrate International Games Day, Friday, Nov. 8, from 3 to 5:30 p.m., at the Library.
Everything gamers love, from Switch videogames on the big screen, to Magic the Gathering, Minecraft on our server, and a variety of board games, there is something for everyone.
There will be snacks. Please register.
Sign Language story
Sign language belongs to the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, but even hearing children can benefit from being introduced to and learning it.
Librarian and storyteller Ann Gainer will offer a fun, interactive, and educational storytime for young children and families. Children ages two through six with caregiver, please join us from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9. Please register.
Second Sunday Film
Join us at 2 p.m., on Sunday, Nov. 10 for “The story of the legendary rock band Queen and the lead singer, Freddy Mercury, leading up to their famous 1985 performance at Live Aid.” Light refreshments will be served.
Registering for programs helps us to determine supply needs.
Unless otherwise indicated, registration is requested for all programs. You can register in person, by phone at 518-765-2791 or using our online calendar at
— Lynn Kohler