I live on Boylston Drive in Delmar.
My neighbors and I have attended many town Planning Board meetings to express concerns about planned development near our Lauralana Heights development.
As a result of concerns expressed there about already existing excess water issues in our backyards, the Highway Department superintendant and other town staff came on site to evaluate the situation. They determined that the existing water drainage through the town easement was not working as designed.
Tiger Anastasi met with concerned homeowners on two occasions, explaining what he believed the accumulated issues were, and detailing a plan to remediate them, if we would cooperate with his department.
The neighbors agreed, and significant work has now been completed by the Highway Department including flushing of storm sewers and regrading of drainage easements.
My neighbors and I would like to thank Tiger, the members of his department and those on the Planning Board who referred the issue to him. The way he met with us to understand our concerns and to lay out a plan with us was an example of the best we can hope for in local government.
I understand that he is up for re-election in November. My neighbors and I want our fellow townspeople to know that we endorse his approach and support the notion of his continued service to the town.
Steven Frisch