Our annual summer concert series, Evenings on the Green, has been entertaining audiences for years with a variety of top-quality musical performances for all ages.
This year, the series kicks off at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3, with Tanager, who will be performing traditional jazz from the 1920s and ’30s.
Evenings on the Green continues every Wednesday through Aug. 7 with appearances by Katsura and Friends, Electric City Chorus, Off the Record, Casey and Spain, and Alyssa Yeager. The final concert on Aug. 7 will be preceded by an ice cream social hosted by the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library at 6:30 p.m.
The library’s casual outdoor concert series has been around for over four decades. Concert-goers can bring a blanket or lawn chair, pick a spot on the Green, and get ready to listen to some great music. Evenings on the Green concerts are always free and appropriate for all ages. Pick up a flyer or visit our website at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org for details.
In transition
In June, the Library Board of Trustees bid farewell to Joyce Becker, who stepped down after two five-year terms, the second of which she served as board secretary. At her final board meeting, Becker told her fellow trustees she was grateful for the opportunity to serve with such a dedicated group of people. Becker, a longtime Bethlehem resident, has also served on the Bethlehem Town Board since 2016, a position she was elected to shortly after retiring as director of Senior Services following a stint of nearly 30 years with the department. The library’s Board of Trustees benefitted from her community connections and perspective.
This month, the Board welcomes its newest member, Michelle Walsh, who will be sworn in on Monday, July 7. Walsh, a longtime Delmar resident and former lobbyist, has said one of her goals as trustee is to act as a liaison between the board and the community.
Library trustees play a pivotal role in charting long-range goals and addressing facility needs and responsible spending. Board meetings are generally held the second Monday of every month at 6 p.m.
— Kristen Roberts