To the editor,
On June 17 the state Senate passed legislation and Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed drivers licenses for illegal aliens; the Green Light Act. New York citizen taxpayers are once more treated as second class citizens.
I just completed four hours and two trips to a state Department of Motor Vehicles office to renew my drivers’ license. I was turned away for incomplete documentation after presenting my passport, global entry card, New York state drivers’ license, w-2 records with social security number and address and pistol permit.
I am in virtually every law enforcement and homeland security database and have expanded international travel privileges for security compliance. But I was deemed to have insufficient information for my New York state drivers’ license and sent home to get more records.
So what documentation will illegal aliens be required for a license? Taxpaying citizens who comply with the law are having a tough time with the law. How will someone who comes across the border illegally from who knows where provide documentation for a license? I was advised that they will get a pass and have to provide less documentation than a New York citizen. They will have to provide an affidavit in lieu of documentation. That is the ultimate insult in addition to enabling illegal status and voting in New York State.
Paul Burgdorf,