Holiday Schedule
The library will be closed Saturday, May 25, Sunday, May 26, and Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day.
Free Movie Mondays (on Tuesday)
Tuesday, May 28 at 2 or 6 p.m.
Due to Memorial Day weekend Free Movie Monday is on a Tuesday – by popular demand: “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
Enjoy an enthralling celebration of Queen, their music, and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mercury, who defied stereotypes and convention to become one of history’s most beloved entertainers.
Rated: PG-13 for thematic elements, suggestive material, drug content and language,
Runtime: 2 hr., 15 min.
Registration is required: online or call 810-0314.
College Q & A Panel
Wednesday, May 29 6:30 to 8 p.m.
We will have a panel of recent high school graduates now attending SUNY, private colleges (big and small), community colleges, and military schools. They are eager to share their experiences with finding, applying to, attending, and adapting to a variety of post-high school opportunities.
Ask all of your questions in an informal Q&A session. Registration is required: online or call 518-810-0314.
Joe Nash
Colonie Library