To the Editor:
The Bethlehem Democratic Committee would like to express sincere gratitude to all of our fellow Bethlehem residents who signed petitions for candidates seeking town and county positions in the upcoming primary.
We know that you came out and signed petitions during your dinnertime, or your Sunday morning coffee, or as you were arriving home from a busy work day. We know it’s not always easy to spend precious moments of your day to talk with someone on the doorstep and sign a petition, and we appreciate your time and attention.
The Bethlehem Democratic Committee’s objective is to elect individuals who will maintain and improve upon the excellent quality of life that we all enjoy in this community. The Committee is dedicated to endorsing candidates who will provide the services and leadership that we need now, more than ever. That’s why, for every petition you signed, we’re one step closer to community leadership that cares about you, your family, your neighborhood, the Town of Bethlehem, and Albany County.
Remember to vote on June 25th for the qualified candidates endorsed by the Bethlehem Democratic Committee:
• David VanLuven (incumbent), Bethlehem Town Supervisor
• Marc Dorsey, Town Superintendent of Highways
• Joyce Becker and Dan Coffey (incumbents), Town Board
• Nanci Moquin (incumbent), Town Clerk
• Alicia Roney (incumbent), Town Receiver of Taxes
• William Reinhardt (incumbent), Albany County Legislature, District 33
• Joanne Cunningham (incumbent), Albany County Legislature, District 34
• Jeff Kuhn, Albany County Legislature, District 35
• Matt Miller, Albany County Legislature, District 36
• Vicky Plotsky (incumbent), Albany County Legislature, District 38
If you wish to meet any of the endorsed candidates, there will be a series of Meet The Candidates events throughout Bethlehem at the following dates/locations:
Sunday, April 28, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Bethlehem Library, 451 Delaware Ave, Delmar
Sunday, May 19, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Bethlehem Grange, 24 Bridge St., Selkirk
Sunday, June 2, fro, 4 to 5:30 p.m. American Legion, 16 W Poplar Dr, Delmar
Together, we can preserve and improve the community we share. Thank you for answering the door.
Jeff Baker
2nd Vice President, Bethlehem Democratic Committee