Time to dust out those hidden folders, delete old programs, and empty the trash (or recycling bin.) Stop by one of the Monday afternoons in April, from 1 to 2 p.m. to clean up and speed up your digital devices with some routine maintenance. April 8 is for Android phones and tablets, and April 15 is for iOS. Participants should bring their own device(s.)
On Monday, April 8, from 6 to 8 p.m. learn easy beading techniques for making simple jewelry. The Library provides tools and offers a variety of beads to choose from. See our beading books and magazines for inspiration. Adults and teens ages 14 and up. Please register. There will be a small materials fee.
Remember the Holocaust
Award-winning teacher and historian, Matthew Rozell will give a presentation about the extraordinary story behind an iconic 1945 photograph, which records the whole incredible story about Holocaust survivors.
— Lynn Kohler