#GuilderlandPublicLibrary #SpotlightNews
United Way’s 2-1-1 call center is now open! Make your appointment to have trained, IRS-certified volunteers prepare your federal and NYS tax returns today. Appointments will be scheduled for Saturdays or Mondays between Monday, Feb. 4 and Monday, April 8. Please be patient, as phone lines may be busy. Please do not call the library—we will only refer you to 2-1-1. You must have an appointment—no walk ins.
Please bring a photo ID, and a Social Security Card for all people listed in the tax return with you to your appointment. (Filing jointly? Both taxpayers need to be present except in cases of illness or infirmity.) Also bring: your 2017 tax returns, all 2018 W-2s and 1099s, end of the year brokerage statements, and all supporting documents for itemized deductions. TaxAides cannot complete returns with rental income or Schedule C (business profit and loss) if you’ve had a loss or expenses over $25K. A hearty thank you to all our TaxAide volunteers.
Teen Tech Time!
Have you been left to your own devices? That is—did you acquire a new electronic device over the holidays, but you are still working out the kinks and learning how to use it? If so, the teen tech time volunteers will be here for you on Tuesday, Jan. 22. . from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Get free, one-on-one tech help from a Guilderland High School National Honor Society student! Please register online or by phone. If you can’t make this time slot, we have other dates and times available with adult computer coaches. Please register online or by phone.
Medicare 101: A New User’s Guide
Join us on Thursday, Jan. 17 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Janet Kiffney, a certified Medicare Counselor with HIICAP (New York State’s Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program), will present an unbiased “soup to nuts” program about Medicare and answer all your questions, including what does Medicare pay for, how are prescriptions covered, and just what is Medicare Part A?
Library Board Meets
The library board will hold its January board meeting on Thursday, Jan. 17, at 7 p.m. in the library’s Tawasentha Room. The public is always welcome to attend, or to watch the livestream of the meeting at our Facebook page.
I Have a Dream
The library will be closed in honor and celebration of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, January 21. Our e-library, where you can download and read e-books and magazines for free, is always open at our website www.Guilderlandlibrary.org
Flip For Flipster
Reading magazines online is super easy, and a lot of fun, and best of all, it costs nothing! Zip, zilch, zero, nada. Getting started can seem difficult though, so why not come to the library to learn how? On Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 2 p.m., we’ll walk you through in a short presentation. Bring your valid library card, your fully charged phone, tablet, kindle, etc., and any passwords you might need—such as an Apple ID, Amazon login, Google account password, etc. Please register online or by phone.
Meet Yasmin Book Party
Meet Yasmin, a curious second grader who has a big imagination and who always takes a creative approach to solving life’s little problems. Stop by the library to pick up your copy of the first book in this new chapter book series. Then come to the party! We will talk about the book and do some fun activities. Grades 1-2. Please register online or by phone.
Tai Chi and Qi Gong
Tai Chi and Qi Gong are forms of gentle exercise developed more than 1,000 years ago in China. The practices help strengthen and relax muscles and joints—and is excellent for fall prevention. Rich will present the course on Thursday, January 24, at 11 a.m. Please register online or by phone. We thank the Albany Guardian Society for its help in presenting this recurring program. Please register online or by phone.
Read, Walk, and Write
Our three major initiatives continue—the Winter Reading Challenge, in which we try to read and log 2,000 books in the month of January, the Library Moon walk, in which we are trying to log 240,000 miles worth of steps to metaphorically reach the moon, and the Teen Winter Writing Contest. Visit our website, www.guilderlandlibrary.org for details or to register.
— Timothy Wiles