#LetterToTheEditor #YourVoice #SpotlightNews
I read Jim Franco’s nice article “A look back at 2018” in the Colonie Spotlight.
The article makes the following statement concerning the Town of Colonie landfill: “While financially speaking, the town would still be OK without landfill revenue, taxes would likely head north because residents would be forced to pay more for trash collection.”
The 2019 Colonie budget has $20.7 million of property taxes in the General Fund and $2.95 million in landfill fees. If the landfill were closed, this would mean that property taxes (or some other tax) would have to be increased by the $2.95 million revenue loss or by 14.25 percent.
This is why the Colonie landfill has to be properly managed.
Kevin M. Bronner, Ph.D.
4 Georgian Terrace
Loudonville, NY 12211
The author is a former member of the Colonie Town Board.