#BethlehemPublicLibrary #SpotlightNews
January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. It is a good time to reflect on all the ways human trafficking robs people of their freedom and how it can be prevented. With that in mind, Theresa Schillaci, Safe Harbour coordinator for Albany County, will be at the library Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m. for a talk about how the organization helps youth who are victims or at risk for human trafficking. To be a part of this important discussion, sign up online at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org or call (518) 439-9314.
Study hall
at the library
Are you ready for Regents? The library has set aside dedicated group study space for Regents test prep from Tuesday, Jan. 15, through Thursday, Jan. 24.
Most study halls will take place in our community room, unless otherwise noted. Students and their tutors are welcome to drop in and stay as long as needed during scheduled hours.
Technology fund
The Krakower-Storch Family Technology Fund, established at the end of 2016 by Bethlehem residents Joe and Naomi Storch, is used by the library to purchase items for our collection that use technology to inform, educate or entertain. In the five years following the creation of the fund, Joe and Naomi have pledged to match up to $1,000 per year of other donations.
There are so many ways that advances in technology can bring about positive changes in our lives, but many times those advances aren’t affordable for individuals. Adding these types of items to our collection – where they can be used and borrowed by many – means they can have a much broader impact on our entire community.
The library is so grateful to the Storch family for the establishment of this fund to strengthen and extend our current spending in the area of new technologies for public use.
To contribute to the Krakower-Storch Family Technology Fund, please contact Library Director Geoffrey Kirkpatrick at 518-439-9314, ext. 3022.
You can also donate online through the Friends of the Library page on our website at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org/about-us/friends-of-bethlehem-public-library.
Mango season
If learning a foreign language is on your list of things to do in the new year, check out Mango Languages, a fun and easy-to-use, self-paced language learning program with more than 70 language courses. It’s easy to get started, just head to our website at www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org and click on the “Research” tab at the top of the home page. You’ll find Mango listed alphabetically under “Research A-Z.” Once you click the link, you’ll be asked to create an account using your email address, and then you’ll be ready to say “bonjour” to your new language.
Storm warning
Please remember that in the event of inclement weather, the library’s telephone system will provide information on a closing or delayed opening.
— Kristen Roberts