#LetterToTheEditor #SpotlightNews
To the Editor:
Fireworks, music, magic, and more: Bethlehem First Night is the perfect way to kick off New Year’s Eve.
But Bethlehem First Night is about more than fun. Proceeds from button sales support four charitable groups that provide vital services to our community.
Bethlehem Community Fund closes the gap left by traditional social services to aid our neighbors in need.
Friends of Bethlehem Parks & Recreation provides scholarships to help local families participate in town activities.
Bethlehem Opportunities Unlimited organizes positive activities for students and forums for parents and teens.
Bethlehem Senior Projects supports our older residents with an emergency heating fund and more, and also sponsors the food pantry (because not everyone in Bethlehem has enough to eat).
Buy a button and join my family and me at Bethlehem First Night. You’ll not only have fun, you’ll help our community stay strong.
(And please like the Bethlehem First Night Facebook page so your friends will see all the great events too!)
David VanLuven
Bethlehem Town Supervisor