#LetterToTheEditor #YourVoice #SpotlightNews
To The Editor:
As a more than 50-year resident of the Town of Bethlehem I attended the meeting last week at the Selkirk Fire Department regarding planning for the future.
I feel that complete information and relevant facts were presented on the project in an understandable manner. Background of the fire department’s history was also reviewed so we could understand the need for the project and this process.
Comprehensive studies and a review of the current buildings were completed. In the study of the current structures, it was determined that a new HQ building is in the best interest of the department and the residents. This is a positive futuristic look at the needs of the department and the needs of the residents along with the anticipated possible growth in the Town and within the District.
I completely support this project and will be voting in favor and encourage everyone in the District to do the same.
Kathy Newkirk