#LetterToTheEditor #SpotlightNews
The Spotlight reporting of the recent so-called real-estate transfer tax campaign event (held by the Bethlehem GOP) missed a critical fact: that Keith Wiggand and Jim Foster organized it. The event was the second in their misleading series; the first was held just before last year’s election. If they actually cared to educate residents for the 2018 elections, why did they schedule this event three months after the state legislative session ended?
Because Wiggand and Foster care more about sowing fear to win elections than they do about properly and earnestly addressing town issues with practical solutions. They want to use divisive political tactics here in Bethlehem to advance their ambitions and agendas. It’s frankly insulting to have Wiggand and Foster continue their campaign of chicanery over items that aren’t even under consideration.
But we can and should do better. We should educate ourselves on the issues and hold our electeds accountable. We should direct our energy into positive steps to support our town. We should at the very least be able to recognize a scam when we see it.
Peter Saunders