Dear Editor:
I have been reading with utter astonishment, over the past few weeks, the letters being published by The Spotlight from the Democratic Party supporters trying to explain away the deception, nepotism and outright amateurish administrative blunders committed by the leaders of their Machine. The contortions these folks go through to try and explain away these unmitigated failures are truly something to behold.
I ask the voters this question. Is this the kind of bungling leadership you want running our Town after November 7th?
If not, I ask you to please vote for our great Republican candidates. To a person, they are all highly qualified, experienced and ready to work hard for you and our Community. Give us a chance to show you what they can do for this Town that we all care so deeply about.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
Melissa Kermani
Chair, Bethlehem Republican Committee