Dear Editor, Colonie Spotlight;
It is my opinion that to most good parents, the welfare of their children is of extreme importance. You want what is best for them and in a selfless way, make sacrifices on their behalf. This probably goes without saying and is only right. It is your obligation to God, Our Father, yourself and your children to raise them to be responsible adults.
Hopefully things work out that way, but that is not how life always unfolds. Some parents try very hard and still end up with negative results. That can sometimes occur. However, they can still take solace in knowing that they gave it their best shot and left nothing on the playing field.
Remember, you are not supposed to be your children’s best friend. That is a common mistake that some parents make. Although they mean well, it usually brings bad results. Quite often that path leads to a very bumpy road of disrespect and outward defiance. Your role as a parent is to teach and demonstrate leadership by setting a virtuous example. Kids are like sponges, they pick up on things much quicker than most adults realize. You may reap only what you sow.
As a parent, you need to keep a watchful eye on what your kids are viewing and a very sharp ear on what they are listening to. Rap is mostly crap. In most cases it sends a negative message to very impressionable listeners. Some may call it music, but I will not. However, it is not the sound that is concerning, it is the content and the words that are troubling. Does that kind of language instill values and ethics? You be the judge. It is your household and they are your children.
Family should be the brick and mortar of a very sound society. The home should be a foundation for virtue and integrity. This is not just a comment on rap, there are many other forms of so called music that are questionable. Let us face it, that love the one your with and if it feels good do it mentality of the ’60s and ’70s is also in question.
As a parent, you need to set the tone and standards of what is and not appropriate for your children. It is important to be completely honest with them and not be overly critical of them because it was not so long ago when you were at their age and trying to find your way. Hopefully, you can save them from repeating some of the mistakes that you incurred while growing up.
You should ask them up front what movies they are viewing and what web sites they are visiting. The internet can be like a lot of great inventions, it has a double edge of good and bad. You need to stay on guard and be vigilant. Many cable television stations offer the viewer a buffet of trash and garbage. You might say it is like pick your poison.
Let your children know that you care. They may not always like your decisions, but it is important that they respect them. You may not always be right, but you always need to try to be right for the sake of your kids. Parenting can be a very humbling experience. It needs to be taken very seriously. Let the love in your heart be your navigator.
— Bryan Elson,