Libraries in Albany and Rensselaer counties, including Bethlehem Public Library, now offer an app through the Upper Hudson Library System called UHLS Mobile, available for free in both Android and Apple app stores.
The app’s features include the ability to search the UHLS catalog, check the status of a library card account, place physical items (such as books, CDs and DVDs) on hold so they can be picked up at the library, discover and access digitally distributed items like eBooks, audiobooks, and digital magazines, and connect users to other information such as library hours and program calendars. The app even can scan the ISBN barcode of any book to see whether any UHLS libraries own a copy of a specific title — and place a request for that book right away.
For more information and to download UHLS Mobile, go to or ask a librarian.
Structured fun for families
Take your building skills beyond Legos with the launch of Kids Builder Association, a brand-new club that incorporates all of the library’s cool construction toys. Kids and families can let their imaginations run wild as they engineer fun and create fantastic structures using our Legos, Snap Circuits, 3D puzzles, blocks, Strawbees and K’nex. No registration is required. Stop by and see what all the fun’s about on Mondays from 10-11:30 a.m. through Aug. 21. No KBA July 31 or Aug. 7.
Financial aid information
It’s the beginning of summer, and while higher education may be the furthest thing from your mind right now, for students and parents, it’s never too early to start thinking about how to pay for college.
Representatives from the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation will be at the library Monday, July 17, at 6:30 p.m. for “Financial Aid: What You Need to Know.” They will attempt to dispel some of the financial aid myths and misconceptions out there and talk about what kind of aid is available and how to apply. This program is open to both parents and teens.
Skip Parsons to perform in outdoor concert
Evenings on the Green continue Wednesday, July 19, at 7 p.m. with a performance by Skip Parsons and his band, who will be playing Dixieland and classic early style jazz. Skip has been performing since the mid-1950s and has been featured in past Evenings on the Green concerts.
The library’s casual outdoor concert series has been entertaining audiences for more than four decades and are always free, appropriate for all ages, and take place every Wednesday through Aug. 9. Concerts will move indoors if it rains.
Summer hours
The library is closed Sundays in July and August. You can access the library catalog and other library services online anytime at
Other upcoming events
All events are free and take place at Bethlehem Public Library, 451 Delaware Ave., Delmar. For more information, call 439-9314 or visit
Monday, July 17
Take Home Pixel Art
Plan your pixel art design on graph paper and the iPad and make a poster to take home, 2-3:30 p.m. Sign up online or call. For grades 6-12.
Tuesday, July 18
Ozobot Robotics
Learn how to program these tiny robots and complete fun challenges., 11 a.m.-noon. Sign up online or call. For grades 6-12.
Wednesday, July 19
3D Design
Create a step-by-step project with Tinkercad 3D design software and check out the 3D printer, 11 a.m.-noon. Sign up online or call. For grades 6-12.
Pokémon Card Gamers
Bring your Pokémon cards to play with other gamers. All skill levels welcome, 2-3:30 p.m. For kids and families.
Thursday, July 20
STEM Free Time
Drop in and use the Ozobots, Tinkercad and Snap Circuits, or see a 3D printer demo, 10 a.m.-noon. For grades 6-12.
Fuse Bead Make and Take Art
Bring your imagination and leave with some cool fuse bead art, 2-3 p.m. For ages 9 and up.
— Kristen Roberts