Dear Editor,
On Monday, June 12, the Town of New Scotland Democratic Committee held a caucus to select a slate of candidates for the 2017 elections.
The following persons were successfully nominated and voted to be the candidates of the New Scotland Democratic Committee for 2017: Town Supervisor – Douglas Lagrange (incumbent); Town Board/Council seats – Adam Greenberg (incumbent) and Daniel Leinung, Esq.; Town Clerk – Diane Deschenes (incumbent); Highway Superintendent – Kenneth Guyer (incumbent); Town Justice – Robert Johnson III, Esq.
Mr. Darrell Duncan has been named as the Candidate of the New Scotland Democratic Committee for the position of Legislator for the 38th Albany County Legislative District. Mr. Duncan has held this position since the beginning of 2017 when he was appointed to the seat, at the recommendation of the 38th Legislative District Committee members, to replace L. Michael Mackey, who won his election bid for Supreme Court Justice. The 38th Legislative District is comprised of Districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the Town of New Scotland and Districts 16 and 17 in the Town of Bethlehem. Committee representatives from those districts met previously and a vote resulted in Mr. Darrell Duncan receiving the joint nomination for Legislator for the 38th Albany County Legislative District.
The procedure for getting on the ballot for County Legislator is different than the process for local municipal candidates. As such, Mr. Duncan and his supporters will be circulating nominating petitions throughout the 38th Legislative District to have his name placed on the ballot this fall.
Persons with questions regarding their voting districts, voting dates, etc. are urged to contact the Albany County Board of Elections at (518) 487-5060.
Douglas Miller
New Scotland Democratic Committee