On Saturday, April 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., you can get rid of all your unused or expired medications at a National Drug Take-Back Day drop-off point in the Guilderland Library’s parking lot. No questions asked.
The Library and the Guilderland Police Department have teamed up for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s nationwide Drug Take-Back Day, a one-day collaborative effort between the DEA and state and local law enforcement agencies that focuses on removing potentially dangerous controlled substances from your home.
Previous Drug Take-Back Days at GPL have brought in record amounts of unwanted, expired and unused medications, showing how necessary this program is. Please don’t let this opportunity to rid your home of these hazards pass you by.
All surrendered pharmaceuticals/controlled substances are destroyed by law enforcement officers. Not only does this program provide an opportunity for community agencies to collaborate and establish a safe collection site, it also brings national attention to the issue of pharmaceuticals and controlled substance abuse.
What CAN be disposed:
• Controlled, non-controlled, and all over-the-counter substances
• Medication in its original container or removed from its container can be disposed of directly into the disposal boxes. (If an original container is submitted, be sure to remove any identifying information from the prescription label.)
What CANNOT be disposed:
• No sharps and syringes
Drug Take-Back Day officials will not ask questions of nor request identification from anyone. It’s your best opportunity to rid yourself of hazardous medications that can bring harm to you and others in your household.
About GPL
The Guilderland Public Library is located at 2228 Western Ave., Guilderland. Visit the Library’s website at www.guilpl.org to get information on upcoming programs, and to register for events.
— Mark Curiale