One of the most popular events at the Bethlehem YMCA is just around the corner. Our annual Healthy Kids Day will be held on Saturday, April 29, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Healthy Kids Day is the Y’s national outreach initiative to improve the health and well-being of children.
More than 1,300 Ys across the country are taking part in Healthy Kids Day, holding free community events that are open to all kids and families and filled with fun, active play and educational opportunities.
And, for the well-being of parents, later that night the Y will have a Parents’ Night Out from 5 to 9 pm. For just $10 for members ($15 for community members), kids ages 6 months through 8th grade can enjoy fun and games at the Y.
Healthy Kids Day will have bouncy houses, crafts and coloring, police cars, fire trucks and an ambulance to tour, as well as soccer, floor hockey and basketball games. Please bring the family to the Y’s Healthy Kids Day. There will be lots of fun and games for the whole family to enjoy.
So bring your kids to the Y for Healthy Kids Day, and bring them back at night to have more Y fun, and for mom and dad to have a great night out!
2017 Delmar Du
This year marks the sixth annual Delmar Du, an event that has grown in popularity each year. This year the race will be held on Sunday, April 30, starting at 8 a.m. at the Elm Avenue Town Park. It’s a two mile run, followed by a 10 mile bike course, followed by another two mile run. There are individual and team entries.
Proceeds from the Delmar Du are used for programs at the Elm Avenue Pool complex and to support the YMCA’s Annual Campaign Also, BlueShield of Northeastern New York is a partner in this event. The Capital District YMCA and BlueShield of Northeastern New York share a common belief that everyone wants to look better, feel better, and live better.
You can register online at or at the Town Park on the day of the event, or, if you have any questions, you can call the Y at 439-4394 or stop by the YMCA front desk.
News, Notes
and Thanks
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the Antiques Roadshow held recently at the Bethlehem YMCA sport court. Many treasures were appraised and deals made. It was a tremendous success that was enjoyed by many people and we plan to do it again!
Also, thanks to all the kids who participated in the YMCA Swim For A Cause, which raised $4,000 for the Y’s Annual Campaign…. The Bethlehem Y sport court will host a special boxing event Saturday, April 22. Doors open at 4 p.m., the bouts start at 5 p.m… On Thursday, April 27, the Y will be hosting its 4th Annual Blood Drive for the American Red Cross. Appointments are available every 15 minutes from 12 to 6 p.m. Celebrate life and make a difference by giving blood. ….Spots are filling up fast for Summer Camp at the Bethlehem Y. For the best summer fun ever, sign up your kids online or at the Y front desk.
— Mark Hansen