Calling all pirates and princesses. Come celebrate “Take Your Child to the Library Day” on Saturday, Feb. 4. Our special dress-up storytime event will begin at 10:30 a.m. and is geared especially for children ages 3 to 7, with families.
After reading some great pirate and princess themed books, we will have “tea” and snacks fit for royalty and buccaneers alike. Don’t leave without making your pirate hat or fairy wand, or you might be asked to walk the plank or face a fiery dragon!
Please register online at or call 765-2791.
The MAGIC Years
On Saturday, Feb. 5, at 3 p.m., Cornell Cooperative Extension will offer an educational program to help parents/caregivers understand four different parenting styles and how their particular parenting behavior affects their children. Please register online or call.
— Lynn Kohler