Joe Sapienza
Athletic director, Voorheesville High
Hometown: Voorheesville
Residence: Voorheesville
What type of music do you listen to?
Classic rock — The Beatles, (Rolling) Stones, Led Zeppelin. I’m not much of a fan of newer music.
What do you watch on TV?
I like “Survivor” and “Modern Family.” Other than that, I don’t watch much TV at all.
What type of books do you like to read?
I mostly read news items, and the books I read are about American history.
What was the last movie you saw in the movie theater?
“Straight Outta Compton.” I liked it because I thought there was some historical significance from that era. It defined a new era in music history.
What are some of your hobbies?
I like gardening and yard work. I’m still trying to play basketball from time to time. And I love going to the beach with my family.
Who is one famous person, dead or alive, you would like to meet, and why?
I would like to meet (Chicago Bears running back) Walter Payton because, obviously, I believe in the value of athletics for students, and I just perceive him as an unbelievable role model for young athletes. He went about his business in a dignified manner on and off the field … and I think society today needs that.
What is your favorite local memory?
My favorite local memory would be growing up in beautiful downtown Voorheesville.
What would your last meal be?
It would definitely be my wife’s Montreal steak.
What three items would you bring to a deserted island?
My family, a football and my stuffed doggie from when I was a baby.
What is a surprising fact about you?
I really like art and music. I play some guitar — self taught.