Dave Lendrum
BCHS Science Teacher
Hometown: Queensbury, NY
Residence: Westerlo, NY
What are you listening to these days? (music, podcast or audio book)
I really like Avenged Sevenfold. Yeah, Avenged Sevenfold, the Deftones… I go back to anything old and metal. I’ve been listening to the Flam Flams with my kids though. My daughter loves them.
What are you currently reading?
Right now I’ve been reading a lot with my kids. I’m in the fourth Harry Potter book with them since October. Reading through the series with them is a fun experience.
What are you watching on television?
Turn. Washington Spies. I don’t actually watch much television. Almost none. So if it’s not on Netflix I probably haven’t seen it. Our other favorite show is The Incredible Dr. Pol. He’s a veterinarian from Michigan. And it’s kind of neat. All 3 of my kids are into it and its not cartoons so I can tolerate it.
What was the last movie you saw and why?
It might’ve been Cars 2 cause my kids wanted to see it. I haven’t been to the movies in a really long time. When did that come out?
One person living or dead you would like to meet and why?
My great grandfather. My mom’s mom’s father. I’ve always wanted to meet him because I am currently working the farm that he built. He died in the 50s and Id love to know what he thought of it now. And he used to ride motorcycles and I like motorcycles myself. Of all the people in the world that’s the one person I’d like to meet. He rode his motorcycle from New York to Florida in the 40s when there were no highways. He sounds like an interesting character.
Describe your dream vacation.
My dream vacation would actually be a motorcycle tour of the southwest. Either that or I’d like to run the Baja 1000. Although I don’t know if that’s actually a vacation.
What is your favorite hobby?
I think farming. We’ll call it large scale gardening.
Describe what your last meal would be?
I’d want my mom and dad, my wife and kids there. Anything the kids would eat. Probably spaghetti and meatballs. If I knew it was my last meal I don’t think we’d care about the food much.