Jeff Ayers
Owner, Permian Productions
• Hometown: Saratoga Springs
What are you listening to on the radio?
“I like a lot of what our local scene has to offer. So, I love WEXT 97.7 and WEQX 102.7.
What are you watching on TV?
“I find myself being able to watch less t.v. than I used to be able to. I am a big fan of Entertainment. The “Walking Dead” is a great show. I’ve been hooked on that. I have really been digging, I’m one of the few, but I’m a big fan of the Marvel properties that have been out there, like “Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D.” and “Agent Carter.”
What books have you been reading?
“Book wise, at the this moment, I haven’t actually read a novel in awhile, which makes me sad. I’ve just been too busy.
“I review graphic novels for and I just finished George O’Connor, he does The Olympians series… He just release Ares: Bringer of War. It’s all about the Trojan War, but from Ares’ point of view. I’m a huge comic book fan, so when I have the chance to read, most of the time it’s comic books.
What are your favorite hobbies?
“Reading and writing, for real. I’m a writer by heart. I love to write… I’m a fiction writer, and I’m actually working on a book now with my buddy, who is the artist. He’s going to illustrate and we’re going to do a graphic novel style, but it will be a collection of short stories…
“I really enjoy writing, and reading, when I can. I’m a gamer too. I’m not one of those gamers who play online or play all the shooters. I love a good fantasy RPG like Final Fantasy or something like that, where I can sink my teeth into for hours.
What three items would you need on a deserted island?
“I would need a copy of “The Collective Works of Edgar Allen Poe,” because I can read those constantly to waste away the time. I would need a pencil, a pen and scrap of paper – just something I can get thoughts down. And, the third thing would be a violin.
What would your last meal be?
“Last meal, hmmm. So many good ones. I’m going to have to say Turducken.”