Bill Giering
Director of Economic Partnerships, Menands
• Hometown: Colonie
What are you listening to?
I’m pretty boring and very old school: Aretha Franklin, James Taylor, Motown.
What have you been reading?
Rick Riley has a new book, “Tiger, Meet My Sister … and Other Things I wish I Never Said”. Almost a good laugh a page.
What have you been watching on TV?
I love TV. It could be such a powerful tool for good, so much more than it is. I’m a Golf Channel guy. I hate the political “news” stations like Fox. I think they are really harmful. The 30/30 series on ESPN is really well done.
What was the last movie you saw?
A terrific local production called “Ballin’ at the Graveyard” about relationships of basketball players at Washington Park, here in Albany. Great, great, sports movie.
What would your dream vacation be?
I recently changed my vacation criteria. I was on a golf vacation with three guys I played football with in college years ago. I have now decided that laughter is the most important part of any vacation. Not sites, not food, not history, excitement or education … I go were I’m going to laugh.
What are some of your hobbies?
I love golf, and recently have been enjoying water aerobic at the “Y”. Mostly spending time with family and friends and I like spending time with my wife, she’s fun.
What would your last meal be?
I know peanut butter would be involved. Maybe a great deli sandwich or a fresh farm to table seasonal dish. I love a great soup.
Who is the one person, dead or alive, you would most like to meet?
Ben Franklin, just the coolest guy ever.
What is your favorite local moment?
I am passionate about the “Flower Power” movement and the local “Grow Menands” program. Improving our landscaping by adding flowers to our homes and businesses is such a simple way to improve the value of our properties and communities. Flowers are contagious and can change whole neighborhoods overnight.