Everything is supplied at Shampoodle — shampoo, conditioner, scrubbies, ear and eye cleaner, towels, dryers and aprons.
Waist-high walk-in tubs make it easy for the pups to get in and easy for your back! Plus you leave the mess with us!
With two locations Shampoodle offers much more than that! If you have errands to do or just don’t want to wash your pup you can make an appointment for our Professional Bathers to do it for you. Your pup will be ready to go home in approximately an hour. Everything is done by hand – no cage dryers and the “We Will Wash” includes nail cutting also.
Shampoodle came in first in the Times Union’s Readers Poll for the best non-chain grooming category. So, if your pup needs a groom we have exceptional groomers at both locations! Also there are no big walls that hide the grooming – you can see your pups getting groomed. No crates are used whether to keep them in or dry them in, and they can go home as soon as their new “look” is done. Just call either location and make an appointment.
Is your pup bored at home all day or stuck in a crate? Doggie Day Care is the answer! Clifton Park takes in all size pups – Delmar can only take smaller (under 50 pounds) pups for now. Daycare is open Monday-Friday from 6:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. Day Care pups are walked every two hours and in Clifton Park there’s a fenced-in area outside they play in for a couple hours a day (weather permitting).
Shampoodle loves our pups. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter or Shampoodledogwash.com
Shampoodle Delmar – 266 Delaware Ave. Delmar 518-368-3260
Clifton Park 1536 Crescent Rd. Clifton Park 518-371-6600 (just off exit 8 of the Northway).