Few dental practices offer the combination of tradition and technology that Dr. Robert Herzog and Dr. Tricia Primomo offer at their Albany practice.
Their office has been in the same Delaware Avenue neighborhood for 65 years. Tricia Primomo is a third-generation dentist, following in the footsteps of her uncle, Bill Primomo; her grandfather, Gene Primomo; and her great uncle, Peter Primomo. Herzog has been recognized numerous times by his peers throughout his career as one of the top dentists in the country.
At the same time, Herzog has constantly sought out new technology and new certifications. His office has a three-dimensional dental xray machine to give him a more thorough picture of a patient’s mouth for dental procedures. There is a dual wavelength laser that allows him to do soft- and hard-tissue work without the need for using a drill and anesthesia. Herzog has been certified in ozone therapy and naturopathic dentistry, and he is accredited by the International Association of Oral Medicine and Toxicology to safely remove mercury-based fillings.
“We’re a modern dental office with traditional values,” said Herzog.
This blend of the old and the new allows Herzog to look beyond the surface to see a fuller picture of his patients.
“I have the unique ability to look at the mouth and see a connection to the systemic challenges a body can face,” said Herzog. “I’m going to ask about their diet and discuss nutrition, and investigate with their physician about their autoimmune issue.”
Dr. Herzog and Dr. Primomo’s practice is located at 651 Delaware Avenue. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. New patients can visit www.651dental.com to download and fill out their patient information forms in advance. To set up an appointment, call 518-427-2447.