Police searched the area around Old State Road this afternoon for a man who allegedly assaulted a female walking along the roadway, but the suspect is still at-large.
The Guilderland Police Department on Tuesday, May, 20, around 12:15 p.m. responded to an area west of Old State Road and a closed bridge for an alleged assault. The victim claimed she walking along the road at approximately 11:38 a.m. when an unknown white man assaulted her. Local police and State Police Aviation searched the area, but did not locate a suspect.
The victim sustained minor injuries and was treated at the scene, according to police.
Police described the man as approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall, medium build, around 40 to 50 years old, with cropped light or grey hair and facial scruff. He was reportedly wearing a white shirt, blue pants, and flip-flops.
Guilderland Central School District sent a School News Notifier message regarding the incident and said all students were safely dismissed from elementary schools.
“The incident did not happen on school grounds nor did it involve any students or school personnel,” school district officials said in a statement around 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. “Y-Time is ongoing at Pine Bush Elementary School however all children will be kept indoors for the afternoon.”
School officials added elementary schools were still open for its annual budget vote and Board of Education election tonight.
“We also encourage you to be alert and aware, and to report any suspicious people in the area of Old State Road to the Guilderland Police Department,” the district said in a statement.
Anyone with information regarding the incident is asked to contact the Guilderland Police Criminal Investigation Unit at 356-1501 ext. 1063.