An Albany man allegedly crashed his car into a home while driving intoxicated and fled the scene on foot, but the homeowner was able to stop him in a field, according to police.
Stephen A. Green, 31, of 104 Schuyler St. in Albany, allegedly crashed his car into a West Lydius Street home in Guilderland at approximately 8:19 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 28. Police said he hit the left side of the home causing damage to the house, fence, central air unit, pool pipes and gas line. He then fled the scene on foot toward Montery Road.
A witness followed Green and called 911, with the homeowner stopping him in a field behind 11 Worthington Road. Police said Green had a strong odor of alcohol on his breath, trouble speaking clearly and bloodshot, glassy eyes. Green also allegedly had trouble walking to the police car parked on the street and was stumbling.
Green told police he was not injured before being transported for processing, but during transport had trouble breathing and said he has asthma.
Green was arrested and charged with DWI, criminal mischief in the fourth degree, leaving the scene of a property damage auto accident, driving without a license, speeding, leaving a motor vehicle unattended and failure to keep right.
He refused to take a breath test or give blood for testing, but a prescreen device was held up to his lips and tested positive for intoxication. Green, while being transported in an ambulance to Albany Medical Center Hospital, allegedly told a medic he had consumed about three to four beers. A prescreen test administered by emergency room staff prior to Green’s release at 12:30 p.m. revealed a BAC of 0.128 percent, according to police.
Green told police several times his name was “Stephen H. Simms,” but his prints returned his name to be Stephen A. Green. He also had an outstanding warrant from Burlington, Vt.
He was arraigned in Guilderland Town Court and remanded to Albany County jail without bail. He was scheduled to reappear in court on Jan. 1.