Police questioned a driver after he pulled into New Scotland Town Hall way after business hours and dis-covered him and his two passengers to be in possession of “a quantity” of marijuana and crack cocaine.
Albany County Sheriff’s Deputies allegedly observed Daniel K. Hahn, 30, of Fort Edward, pull into the town hall parking lot around 2:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 29. Police then inter-viewed Hahn, who said he and his two passen-gers were lost. Hahn and his passe-ngers, Bradley A. Cormack, 25, of Warrensburg, and Shannon A. Murphy, 21, of Glens Falls, were found to be in possession of the drugs and a scale. Further investigation revealed Murphy had crack cocaine “secreted in her person.”
All three were charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree with intent to sell, a felony, criminal posses-sion of a control-led sub-stance in the fifth degree, also a felony, criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree and unlawful possession of marijuana.
Hahn was remanded to Albany County jail with no bail and he is currently on parole for criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree.
Cormack and Murphy were also remanded to county jail, with bail set at $50,000 and $10,000 respectively.