An Albany County jail corrections officer has been arrested after allegedly trying to blackmail a former jail administrator.
The Albany County Sheriff’s Office arrested Carlo Sorriento, 48, of Sharpe Avenue, Wynantskill, Tuesday on charges of felony coercion, misdemeanor harassment and official misconduct. Police alleged Sorriento was harassing the former administrator with calls and texts, and if his demands weren’t met, Sorriento would then release damaging evidence that would ruin the Bethlehem man’s reputation.
The name of the former jail administrator has not been released by officials.
According to Sheriff Craig Apple, Sorriento wanted the former jail administrator to use his connections at the jail to get Sorriento preferential treatment. If he did not, Sorriento said he had `disparaging information,` including photographs, that could harm the man and his family.
Apple said the man shrugged-off the blackmail attempts at first but as they became more frequent, he notified authorities. Sorriento had allegedly wanted changes made to his contract, and preferential jobs that would allow him perks, like more overtime.
`This was coercion, and it is something we will not tolerate,` Apple said of Sorriento.
Apple would not say what kind of information Sorriento was alleged to have, as the information was of a sensitive nature. The Sheriff’s Office is now performing an internal investigation to see if inappropriate actions have taken place at the jail. However, Apple said the man that was blackmailed is a former employee, and is unsure what steps can be taken.
Sorriento was arraigned in Bethlehem Town Court and released on $10,000 bail. He has also been suspended without pay.
`This was extremely foolish on his part,` said Apple of Sorriento. `He jeopardized a 23-year career for nothing.`