It’s no secret: The popularity of CBD has grown exponentially in recent years, and a significant part of the boom comes from seniors.
Faced with arthritis, back pain and other health issues, baby boomers are turning to CBD oil in their search for potential relief. But does CBD actually provide any health benefits?
So, what is fueling the popularity of CBD?
Chances are someone in your circle of acquaintances has used CBD: a co-worker, a family member or a friend. And chances are they’ve shared stories about how well it works for whatever ails them. Word of mouth, it turns out, has been a boon for CBD — especially among seniors.
“We have seen an increase in active seniors interested in CBD,” said Gregory Henzel, one of the owners of Your CBD Store at 475 Albany Shaker Road, Loudonville. “Most of our customers come in from referrals by their friends who are taking CBD and sharing with them the results and benefits they are getting.”
Henzel also says that some seniors pay Your CBD Store a visit after consulting with their doctor.
“Increasingly, we are also seeing seniors come in on the recommendation of their health care provider, directing them to us for the education we provide,” he explained. “Seniors are becoming more educated about their physical health as they age. They are actually looking more into alternatives to their prescription medications for a variety of reasons.”
In accordance with FDA regulations, Your CBD Store and its employees do not make any medical claims when offering guidance about CBD products. In other words, because they are very focused on following and complying with all FDA regulations, they will not provide a laundry list of conditions or ailments whose sufferers might benefit from CBD products.
“There are many companies out there that do, in fact, in their advertising, list conditions and make claims about the ability of their products to ‘treat’ or ‘help with’ these conditions,” Henzel said. “This is in direct violation of FDA regulations, and should be considered when one is looking for a reputable company to buy their products from.”
People unfamiliar with CBD may assume it gets users high like marijuana. However, CBD doesn’t get users high, as another cannabinoid — a psychoactive part of the marijuana plant known as THC — is responsible for that effect.
“Everyone, not just seniors, needs to understand that CBD is not marijuana,” Henzel said. “The marijuana plant and the hemp plant are both cannabis plants, however people assume that when they hear cannabis, we mean marijuana. These plants are cousins. Our CBD products are derived from industrial hemp.”
According to Your CBD Store, it all goes back to the consumer doing their due diligence and research. “Consumers today are being bombarded with plenty of options, and it can be very confusing,” they admitted. “At Your CBD Store — we are a forum for education first, and retail second.”
“All our locations provide free samples, without obligation,” Henzel said, speaking about Your CBD Store. “Our goal is to be a compliant, pillar of the community. Seniors and others alike can feel comfortable coming into our store at any time to get the education they are seeking about hemp extracts (CBD oil).
Our Six Capital Region locations are in : Loudonville, Albany, Clifton Park,
East Greenbush, Guilderland, and Niskayuna.