As we get older, our bodies begin to go through changes, and our hearing health is not immune to this. In fact, hearing loss affects 1 in 3 people that are between the ages of 65-74. Although most are in denial hearing loss is a natural part of aging. So, the question is: how can we be proactive about our hearing health?
Practice safety at your workplace
If you work in noisy environments, such as in a factory or construction site, be sure to use proper ear protection. Being exposed to elevated levels of noise for various years can permanently damage your hearing health.
Protect your ears when using loud equipment at home
This is essential, especially if you work on the outside of the house. Lawnmowers and other equipment can cause damage to your ears over time.
Be careful with noisy devices and activities
Be careful when listening to music, especially when using ear buds. Listening to music at loud levels can cause permanent hearing loss, because ear drums are placed so closely to the ear drum. Loud concerts can also have a negative effect on hearing, but taking precautions such as ear plugs can help as a barrier to keep out noise.
Hearing professionals are essential
Taking the above steps will allow you to be proactive with maintaining your hearing health. However, the most important step is to get regularly checked by a professional. A professional will be able to help you identify any potential hearing health issues and provide treatment if necessary. Advanced Hearing Aid Centers is a trusted hearing aid clinic in Albany, NY and will be hosting a hearing health event on March 9th & 10th, 2020. Simply call us at 518-776-1105 to schedule an appointment today!