COLONIE — One might argue that life isn’t measured by the number of memories we create, but the quality of memories created! We embrace this truth by helping our seniors continue their purpose-driven journey through remembering, together. Family members and staff involved recall accomplishments and build on transformational milestones that continue to make their experiences meaningful. In essence, we take a trip down memory lane… and then lay more bricks.
Our unsurpassed care fosters spirituality, nurtures mental stimulation and provides a sense of comfort as well as calmness. This more personable personalized approach not only brings residents peace of mind, it indirectly helps families best cope with their loved one’s memory loss. It also inspires them to participate in every aspect of their loved one’s life to keep relationships strong.
We believe there’s power in unity; so we train our staff to treat each resident like family. Over time, we become one big extended family. Through the highs and lows, we work in harmony to consistently remain compassionate and caring. Our programs support everyone’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and faith based well-being. Monthly ‘family meetings’ provide a supportive and empathetic setting where each individual feels safe to openly express their joys, insights and concerns.
Our past may have made us who we are today, but our present will make us who we are tomorrow!
— Peregrine Landing at Colonie