It’s been a great first year returning to the health club business in Bethlehem.
In 1985, I opened my first health club. Then in 2006, I had the opportunity to be the fitness director at Tri City Fitness in Latham. Tri City is the most accomplished USTA Tennis Center in the tri-state area, running national events for all ages. It was my pleasure training these great athletes while managing overuse injuries.
However, I missed being near the hub of the hospital district. (Albany Medical Center, St. Peter’s Health Partners, The Bone and Joint Center, etc). With its many experienced medical experts referring clients to our club, it has been extremely motivating and rewarding. Our first year’s supporters, physician referrals and loyal clients have made this year special. Our client’s ability to sustain, manage, and maintain their training habits, has made the year especially satisfying with all their goals attained.
They have tapped into the ability to improve their sense of well-being and health. We have aided them to experience the “feel great euphoria” that comes from the endorphin release and the sense of accomplishment with exercise.
The basic success formula is really quite simple. We offer the newest, latest equipment. Every piece of equipment works to the maximum benefit. No broken machines. Only the very best. People comment on the cleanliness and superior service each and every day. No one waits for an answer from “corporate”. We are working hard every day to get better, just like the brilliant motivated, talented, people that we guide, encourage, and train.
Use our experience and expertise at Delmar Health and Fitness to help you be your best.