When it comes to managing a person’s life savings, to Bryant Asset trust is key.
“My father started this business 63 years ago, and I think our long-lasting relationship with this community has helped us greatly to put people at ease,” said Mark Bryant.
Charles Bryant founded Bryant Asset Protection in 1951 in order to provide a local insurance option to the Bethlehem community. His son, Jeffrey Bryant, took over operations of the personal and commercial insurance business in the late 1970s, which is still highly functional today.
“Everyone needs insurance for multiple aspects of their lives,” said Mark Bryant. “But in 1983, I began a wealth management business to run alongside the insurance company and expand our offerings.”
Bryant said he chose his field because he wanted to provide people with the wisdom and guidance it takes to help them meet their financial goals. He is both a certified financial planner and an accredited investment fiduciary, which Bryant said are important details for those who wish to do their due diligence when picking a wealth manager.
“It’s a standard of ethics that lets clients know they’re going to be put first,” he said.
Bryant Asset Management does not have a minimum net worth requirement for new clients, but does generally work families or individuals who have a net worth of at least $500,000. Bryant said this is typically done to not dilute the services offered to clients by taking on too many new accounts. Those of any means can turn to Bryant Asset Protection for their insurance needs.
According to Bryant, both companies are very involved in the community, which lets potential clients know what type of people they will be doing business with.
Bryant is the main sponsor of the Delmar Dash, and employees regularly serve breakfast to the homeless through the Interfaith Partnership in Albany. The company also provides money toward community improvement projects each quarter of the year through the Generation Grants Program started by Jeff and Mark in honor of their parents.
“I think a lot of people are intimidated or scared that if they talk to a wealth manager or invest, someone could walk away with all of their money,” said Bryant. “People turn to us because of our reputation.”
His main advice is typically to tell people to be proactive, start saving early and be willing to sacrifice for the future.
“People are extremely reluctant to call a financial advisor, but it’s our job to guide you though the market and stay away from distractions and media scares,” he said. “We keep clients focused on their goals. Short-term trends often scare people, which is hard.”
Bryant said he believes the two companies provide a very personalized service model that has become a little less important to some businesses.
“Statistics show that for people of means, they aren’t looking for the cheapest options available,” said Bryant. “They are looking for who can get the job done with as little headaches as possible.”
In order to provide a higher level of service, Conor J. Bryant, Mark Bryant’s nephew and Jeff Bryant’s son, joined the wealth management side of the business in January as a financial planner.
“This is the third generation of our family to join the business,” said Mark Bryant. “This is a unique opportunity, and we’re excited to see what he brings forward in the future. Family businesses are hard to run because they’re typically built and designed in the generations before.”
For more information visit, www.bryantasset.com or call 518-438-1141.