Delmar’s local Allstate Agency, located at 636 Delaware Ave. (between Stewarts & Bethlehem High School) is proud to announce being the recipient of the distinguished “Premier Agent” designation. The award is provided by Allstate Insurance Company to deserving Agents.
“We are proud of this accomplishment, and thank our clients for helping us to achieve this designation,” says agency principal Eric Woods.
The Premier Agent award has been provided to Eric and his staff for the unsurpassed service they provide to their clients and community.
“After only one year as an Allstate agent, to receive this award, speaks to the effort and ability of our office to ascertain our customer’s needs.” Eric’s 16 years of insurance background is complimented by Karen Gardinier, Jessica Silber and Andrea Woods as licensed certified representatives. The office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. Karen, Jessica, Andrea and Eric are available to provide a comprehensive policy review for existing clients along with an objective review of prospective clients. “With our new House & Home product, insurance reviews have become an important part of our service of properly protecting people’s assets,” says Karen Gardinier.
Tony Skrabalak is also part of the team at the office. Tony has 20 plus years experience in the financial planning business. He enjoys helping people with their life insurance planning and reviewing the retirement needs of local families. “With the ever increasing cost of living, Life insurance and Retirement Planning is now more important than ever,” says Tony.
Tony and his family have been actively involved in the community for over a decade.
The agency’s involvement in civic groups has helped to set them apart from the other insurance choices available to Delmar residents. From the “Watch for Motorcycles” sign in front of the office to the support of school and community events, Delmar recognizes the Woods Insurance Agency as an important member of the community. Eric and his family are also residents of Delmar.
“Being a local Agency, we welcome people to stop in and visit—we have a comfortable and professional office space for our clients and prospective clients to meet, with private space available for the more intimate meetings with Tony Skrabalak,” Karen Gardinier added. Give the office a call today at 518-475-0123 and let them know you are stopping by to visit.